Private Gym Rentals
Sometimes you just need some 1-on-1 time with your dog!
Our private gym rentals of either 30 minutes or 1 hour give you solo access to our 3,000 square foot training room at our Community Center.
Gym rentals are great for:
Reactive dogs who need a quiet, safe space to play
Dogs in agility classes who want to practice an obstacle
People wanting to train their dogs in a low-distraction setting
Private Gym Rental Details
Cost: $30 per hour ($15 for half hour)
Availability: During the day on weekday
Every Dog Community Center
7020 E Hwy 290 Bldg 2
Austin, TX 78723
Book online or email info@everydogaustin.org

FAQs About Private Gym Rentals
Can I bring both of my dogs with me?
Yes! We allow 2 dogs from the same household during a private gym rental.
Can I bring a bunch of dog friends?
We don't allow groups of dogs to play during gym rentals! This is for safety and liability. We only allow 2 dogs from the same household.
Could I host a party with my dog and a bunch of human friends?
Yes, but we'd arrange this separately from our typical gym rentals! If you're looking to have a birthday party for your dog with all their favorite humans, for example, just email us at info@everydogaustin.org
Will I be able to ask a trainer questions during the gym rental?
Nope! One of our team members will be on site to make sure you get everything you need for your time, but they won't be able to answer questions or provide training advice during this time. If you're looking to work with a trainer, this would need to be done with a private training session!
Are reactive dogs or dogs with stranger danger allowed?
Yes! Please let us know if your dog has reactivity to other dogs or people so we can plan accordingly. We can make sure there will be no other dogs on site at that time, and have our staff give lots of extra distance if needed.
If I'm a dog trainer, can I rent out the space to hold private or group trainings?
We allow this occasionally, on a case-by-case basis. Trainers must be positive-reinforcement based and agree to our standards regarding safety for all of the people/dogs. Availability is limited due to our existing class schedule. Please email michele@everydogaustin.org for more details.
Do you offer gym rentals South?
Nope! We only offer them at our Community Center in North Austin. Our South classes are held out of Work & Woof, a daycare that generously allows us to use their facility for classes on evenings and on Sundays. But because they're operating a daycare the rest of the time, we aren't able to offer gym rentals there.